Wausau Coated Products adds FSC® Chain of Custody Certification to VersaPly™ shelf marking products

Wausau Coated Products is pleased to announce that our VersaPly™ family of retail shelf marking products now carry Forest Stewardship Council® Chain of Custody certification assuring sustainable forestry from our sources to you. This includes our VersaPly™, MVP VersaPly™, MTX VersaPly™ and Voided VersaPly™ products. These shelf talker materials offer a versatile print and adhesive design that delivers customer-attracting and time-saving solutions to retailers of all sizes.

VersaPly™ is the world’s leading vinyl-alternative material for shelf talkers, shelf wobblers, sticky tickets and pricing tags in the retail industry. With material choices appropriate for stores of every type plus coatings that print using laser-toner, Indigo, flexo or inkjet print methods, VersaPly™ goes on shelves in thousands of stores each week to promote and sell goods. Wausau Coated Products supplies converterready rolls as well as printed, perforated shells ready for pricing at store-level office printers.
Wausau Coated Products made the commitment to support sustainable forestry by becoming a FSC® certified manufacturer over 10 years ago. We pledge to give preference to paper and paperboard carrying a credible chain-of-custody (CoC) certification. This commitment gives you added confidence in the sustainable nature of our products, the supply chain from which it comes, plus added access to markets where sustainability is valued by packaging firms and retailers.
Look for the FSC® logo with FSC® C008943 on our cartons and roll labels. Wausau Coated Products FSC® Certification No. is NC-COC-003046. What does the mean? Simply put, by choosing products with FSC® certification, you are helping to take care of the world’s forests.
About FSC: The Forest Stewardship Council® mission is to promote environmentally sound, socially beneficial, and economically prosperous management of the world's forests. Our vision is that we can meet our current needs for forest products without compromising the health of the world’s forests for future generations. https://us.fsc.org/en-us/what-we-do/mission-and-vision
About Wausau Coated Products: Wausau Coated Products, Inc. is a privately held company headquartered in Wausau, Wisconsin, U.S.A. with distribution centers located throughout the U.S., Mexico, Australia, and South America. As a manufacturer of pressure sensitive roll and sheet products, Wausau Coated provides premium quality stocked products as well as custom engineered constructions.
To learn more about these FSC® certified shelf marking products or to view a complete listing of all Wausau Coated Products’ FSC® certified products visit www.wausaucoated.com