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All published materials, technical data, and recommendations concerning samples provided, or products sold by Wausau Coated Products, Inc. are based on tests and research which are believed to be reliable but do not constitute a warranty or guarantee.  In each instance where a product is sold or a sample provided, it is with the understanding that the purchaser and/or user has independently determined the suitability of such products for applications under its own operating conditions.

 Wausau Coated Products, Inc. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and/or workmanship.  Should any product be shown to be defective to our satisfaction within one year after the date of shipment, the product will be replaced without charge or a credit issued to offset the cost of the defective material.  Additionally, Wausau Coated Products, Inc. is not responsible for any claims beyond the replacement of/or credit for the defective material.

 The products discussed herein are sold without any warranty as to merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or any other warranty expressed or implied.  No agent or representative of Wausau Coated Products, Inc. is authorized to give any guarantee, warranty, or to make any representation in addition to the foregoing provisions.

 All product specifications are for informational use only.  Each customer and/or end user must determine the suitability of any product for their particular application.  All product specifications are based on typical values and are believed to be accurate at the date of publication, however, product specifications are subject to change.  Shelf Life is six months or one year-depending upon the facestock, adhesive, and liner-when stored at +72 °F/ 50% R.H.  Availability of specific products and raw materials found within the Web Site or published lists are subject to change. 

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