Wausau Coated


4 mil Uncoated Inkjet VersaPly™ / Premium Shelf Marking / 4 mil Uncoated Inkjet VersaPly™

  • Warehouse: WI
  • Sh/Ctn: 1000
  • Sheet Size: 11" x 8-1/2"
  • Die-Cut Size: 2-1/2" x 4"

4 mil Uncoated Inkjet VersaPly™ : see other catalog options

Premium quality uncoated reinforced paper with high brightness and an extremely smooth surface technologically engineered for inkjet and laser printers as well as color copiers. Also suitable for flexographic and offset printing.

Basis Weight (25 x 38 / 500) 50 lbs.
Caliper 3.5 mils
Brightness 94 %
Opacity 88 %
Tear, MD / CD 40 / 40 g
Tensile, MD / CD 25 /17 lbs.
Smoothness, Sheffield 90 units

Premium Shelf Marking Removable : see other catalog options

This premium shelf marking removable adhesive from Wausau Coated advances adhesive technology by delivering the difficult-to-achieve combination of clean die-cutting with high initial tack in the most challenging conditions: Warm temperatures to refrigerator to frosty freezer conditions.

Type High Performance
Classification Emulsion Acrylic
Minimum Application Temp. -15 °F
Service Temperature Range -20 to +175 °F
Regulatory Compliances CONEG, FDA 21 CFR 175.105, REACH, RoHS

4 mil Uncoated Inkjet VersaPly™ : see other catalog options

Premium quality uncoated reinforced paper with high brightness and an extremely smooth surface technologically engineered for inkjet and laser printers as well as color copiers. Also suitable for flexographic and offset printing.

Basis Weight (25 x 38 / 500) 50 lbs.
Caliper 3.5 mils
Brightness 94 %
Opacity 88 %
Tear, MD / CD 40 / 40 g
Tensile, MD / CD 25 /17 lbs.
Smoothness, Sheffield 90 units